
Patchwork Tile Assortment for Europe | UK
Patchworks de carreaux ciment pour l’Europe / Angleterre

Mosaico recently supplied these patchwork tiles to the BBC's ‘DIY SOS: The Big Build’ which is a prime time television series in the UK at the request of the designer Gabrielle Blackman. . Our tiles were used as part of a life changing transformation to the home of a deserving family in the South West of England.
Patchwork tile floors are a happy, carefree look.  They are great for cafes, breakfastrooms, sun porches, restrooms, and anywhere a festive, optimistic atmosphere is desired. And they are great at hiding crumbs ! We have two groups of colorful tiles that can be used individually or combined for unlimited layout options.
Each Group has 64 tiles. They are packed sixteen tiles per box. You will get 4 boxes of 4 tiles of each design, shown below.
We have included field tile, solid colors, borders and corners. It is up to you to decide if you want to use the some of the 4 corner tiles together to form a 4-tile unit as we did some in this design or if you want to scatter them all amongst the overall design.  See various layout possibilities below. Color coordinated solid color (monochrome) tiles are included in our mixes to give the eye a place to rest in the midst of so much visual activity.